Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Your use of crude language is exceeded only by your cruelty and total disregard of the feelings of others. Answer this question. What have either of you done to try to understand why Joan feels the way she does about adoption? Oh! That's right. Nothing! What have you investigated about the psychology of adoption from the point of view of an adoptee? Oh! Again, nothing. Please feel free to present your professional credentials in either psychology, social work, or a related field, and perhaps then you'll have something worthwhile to discuss. In some instances, ignorance can be excused. Willful ignorance, of which you two are guilty, can NEVER be excused. You're whining because I'm giving you the same kind of treatment you've been dishing out to Joan for years, and you're finding it rather uncomfortable. Well, when you stop, so will I. I've BEEN defending Joan, and you're feeling that I'm attacking YOU!
The only reason you destroyed Joan's book is because it showed you for what you truely are, and you couldn't stand the fact that if someone were to read it, you would be exposed for that. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Why don't you two try to do something constructive with your lives instead of trying to destroy your own sister? Your actions put you in the same category as the nice folks who burned the books in Germany back around World War 2. Ah! But you're proud of that, because it's posted on one of your blogs!
For cying out loud, stop with the "ME! ME! ME!" attitudes. The book wasn't written about you, but about the issues concerning adoption. And anyone reading your blog or your comments here will understand all the wonderful issues adoption can entail a little better. The sooner you realize you're only giving credance to Joan's arguements, the better off you'll be. Keep it up, you two. You're only proving that Joan has reasons for feeling the way she does.
By the way, it was Joan's ex who went through the money by spending it on a scheme which didn't work, and which she had no part of. You want the money back? I suggest you talk to him!


  1. Joan Wheeler tries again, but fails…
    Okay enough of this game…Joan Wheeler just can’t answer the charges against her and so she continues to hide behind some imaginary friend and under that guise Joan continues to attack the birth siblings for speaking against her on their own blogs.
    Joan, under guise of Champs says and this comment has been placed on the defending joan wheeler blog.

    Joan What have either of you done to try to understand why Joan feels the way she does about adoption?

    Gert.I answer, who the hell cares! I didn’t care about her AFTER she interfered with my family, she can go to hell for all I care! Joan didn’t care about what she did to my minor children nor my family when she interfered where she didn’t belong…how come Joan does NOT answer to WHY she did that? Because she is a coward and knows she did wrong. Any further arguments about Joan’s feelings are not needed here and are no longer needed for the discussion…only the reasons as to why Joan interfered with my ADOPTING MY SON and her interference with my minor children.

    Joan...The only reason you destroyed Joan's book is because it showed you for what you truely are, and you couldn't stand the fact that if someone were to read it, you would be exposed for that. Truth hurts, doesn't it?

    Gert Sorry wrong answer…we siblings did not destroy Joan’s book…she did that all by herself…she lied and the true documents and other evidence was provided. Get with the real program…Joan wrote a libelous book and no publisher will touch that one. Any one who SPEAKS THE TRUTH is NOT AFRAID. I speak the truth, I am out here in the open…where oh where is JOAN? Liar that she is, she is hiding and will not answer to the charges against her. Joan you are so close…why don’t you just come clean and be done with it.

    Joan I've BEEN defending Joan,

    Gert No you have not…you have failed to answer the charges laid upon her…you, as Joan, are just playing a stupid game to avoid answering the charges against you…come out, come out, Joan.

    Joan...instead of trying to destroy your own sister

    Gert Trying?? We haven’t tried anything, Joan just gives us so much to work with. We don’t have to do a thing…she is doing a great job all by herself and with her imaginary friend.
    The book wasn't written about you, but about the issues concerning adoption.
    Then why are we in it? Why are my children in it? Why are there all those lies in there about people and events that had NOTHING to do with adoption, Joan’s or anyone else…this line of thinking is plain garbage. The book was NOT about adoption, it was all about Joan’s inner tormented self.

    Joan Keep it up, you two.
    Gert We intent to, until Joan Wheeler answers to the charges against her and admits that she has done dirty deeds and said dirty words to her birth family. If you don’t like that then do something about it instead of hiding behind some mask called Champ the defender…even that is a joke.

  2. Graphics of scanned court documents, etc. that prove without a doubt that Joan Wheeler is a liar in her book Forbidden Family.

    I suggest you go and read this blogpost to see how sweet Joan is - click on the graphics to see the actual documents that prove that Joan is a liar. Then defend that. Slander, as far back as 1994 and 1995. I have never been arrested in my life. Being summoned into court is NOT the same as being arrested. I think Joan needs to learn the difference. People get summoned into court for parking tickets all the time - again - summons is NOT arrest.
    Joan loves to exagerate - she is a liar. plain and simple as that.
    I tell the truth - and back it up with proof.
    and Trafford Publishers - when they saw my proof - they, as professional publishers, yanked her slanderous book. Because she said that I had a criminal record in her book, when I did not.
    that's right bud, the book is NOT solely about adoption - it is about slandering me and others. And yep - this is about me, me, me - because I was slandered and I stand up for myself. I refuse to be nobody's doormat.
    publish this comment in it's entirety, not just pick and choose what phrases - because when you just pick out phrases - you are showing the world the coward that you are. Never fear - it's all on our blog anyway.

  3. Joan as her imagnary friend Chimp asks a question and gets shot down with my answer
    by Ruth on June 27, 2012
    What have either of you done to try to understand why Joan feels the way she does about adoption?

    What do we have to understand? Right at the top of my blog is the following page: “read before commenting on this blog.”

    I posted that page on September 3, 2011 and since Chimp, who thinks “he” is defending Joan, asks a question that has already been answered, we see that Chimp is a complete idiot. sigh, so read this and learn Chimp, or rather Joan:

    read before commenting on this blog
    Adoption issues and the purpose of our blogs
    by Ruth Sippel Pace – September 3, 2011 -
    To clarify the position of the birth sisters of Joan Wheeler:

    We have already dealt with “adoption issues,” YEARS ago. Joan Wheeler was adopted out in 1956 and we were reunited with her in 1974. We have dealt with the issues of seperation and reunion more than THIRTY YEARS AGO!

    We do not need to be lectured anymore on those issues. We have read, we have researched, we have learned. We did our duty in feeling sorry for Joan a long time ago and moved on. What people fail to understand is that our issues with Joan is NOT about adoption or reunion at all! It is dealing with Joan’s BEHAVIOR! Interfering with a minor child, telling them not to obey their parent, lying, stealing, stalking, calling people’s job to get them fired, writing letters to people saying their spouse impregnated other women – these are some of the anti-social behaviors that Joan Wheeler has engaged in that affected us. Then the final straw, writing and publishing a book that contains gross lies and misrepresentations – for the sole purpose of ruining people’s reputations. And those lies in the book fell into the legal definition of slander and libel and caused the book to be pulled from publication BY THE PUBLISHER.

    Are Joan’s anti-social behaviors caused by her adoption? Perhaps – but THAT DOES NOT EXCUSE THEM! Adofl Hitler was abused as a child. We give him no sympathy. Now I’m not daring to compare the slaughter of 6 million human beings to the pain that I endured as a victim of Joan Wheeler – the point is – I WAS HURT AND HURT DEEPLY BY JOAN WHEELER AND I DON’T GIVE A DAMN THAT SHE WAS ADOPTED OR NOT! She does not get to garner sympathy by using me as her footstool.

    The topic of adoption does come up from time to time on this blog. This is because it’s Joan Wheeler’s obsession – to relate EVERYTHING in her life to adoption. This includes us, her birth sisters. She insists that we have problems due to HER adoption! She may be partially correct, but not in the way she thinks – our problem with Joan’s adoption is because we are sick of hearing about it. Our lives do not revolve around adoption and we wish that Joan would understand that.

    As to people wanting to lecture me to “forgive and forget and move on.” – Been there, done that. I had already moved on. And so did Gert. We were more than willing to live our lives in peace and quiet and indeed were doing just that since around 2004! It was when Joan put that lying book out in November 2009 that we said “ENOUGH! The world will now learn the truth about Joan and we will hold nothing back!” And Joan continues to this present day to lie about us on the internet. And we will counter every lie she spouts with THE TRUTH!

    Anyone who can’t handle THE TRUTH can just leave this webpage right now. And don’t look back. As noted author Harlan Ellison says, via a sign on his door, DIG OR SPLIT!

    Our standing up to the bully Joan Wheeler via our blogs IS NOT AN INVITATION FOR PEOPLE TO COME AND PASS JUDGMENTS ON US AND OUR LIVES.

    By publishing that filthy book and maintaining her websites of lies, Joan has trampled on our civil and human rights. AND OUR CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS ARE NOT NEGOTIABLE.

    – thank you D.G.

  4. Ruth permalink
    another proof that Joan is really Chimp – the careful censoring of what Gert and I write. The careful picking and choosing of what we write and taking things out of context: This shows again that this is ONE person – because Joan did it a few months ago when she lamblasted me for a post that I wrote way back on September 1, 2010 –
    Joan carefully took out key phrases from my post, and neglected to post that I was actually responding to her charges that she was physically assaultted for years by us. She wrote that on the adoptee forum. I was pissed – I had never laid a hand on her! So I wrote a post in anger.
    What does Joan do? Very carefully took out key phrases to level new lies on me.
    And she is doing it again. Joan, as Chimp, REFUSES to see her wrongdoing and just runs her ignorant mouth

    So Chimp, you showed the world what an idiiot you are – instead of RESEARCHING the issues of the stolen money – you just put the blame on Colby. You failed to defend Joan – all you did was try to shift the blame on Colby. You did not successfully defend Joan – you side-swiped the issue – and you didn’t even answer to the charges that I laid on Joan about WHY SHE FELT THAT SOMEONE ELSE SHOULD BE PROVIDING FOR THE CHILDREN SHE GAVE BIRTH TO.

    where’s your defense Joan? You have none. continuing to side-swipe the issue for more than 20 years isn’t going to make it go away. Continuing to lay all the blame on Colby is not going to wipe out YOUR actions in stealing Ruth’s money. I still want to see the reciepts Joan. Where are they? I have asked you repeatedly since September 1990 for the receipts and was given one excuse after another.
    Colby’s actions and the money he took, was all accounted for – that was why I didn’t bring that fireworks sale into my post. I was talking about the $200.00 plus that YOU stole.



    YOU’RE A THIEF AND A LIAR – case closed.

  5. part 1 Champ has left the building…Joan Wheeler has taken over….Her attempt at taking the high ground…but she is incapable of staying there. She must show, that she is far-more superior then the one she is talking to, whether it is sister or anyone who opposes her. The other is always more cruel and heartless than she. Her feelings are what is important. This is a fatal error in reasoning with an opponent…feelings have NOTHING to do with FACTS AND ISSUES. Because Joan is governed by her feelings her logical reasoning is doomed. She must stick with the facts and nothing but the facts if she wants to get anywhere…but Joan is ruled by her emotions. Champ says he is a male, he is not! No male defender goes into battle with his heart on his sleeve. This is Joan and no one else…she still thinks she fooling everyone.

    Same old, same old, broken record, champ could care less about what we sisters have or have not done…it is Joan and only Joan that is hung up on this nonsense about Joan’s feelings! Joan is experiencing self-pity and to get herself out of that downer, she must put the blame on the others and while she’s at it…make sure the others know they did NOTHING to understand Joan’s feelings! There is NO law that says I MUST understand Joan Wheeler. Deal with it.

    Joan is presuming that we have done nothing to understand, why, because, we are not speaking the right words of ‘feelings’ that we ‘ought’ to, according to the world by Joan. Joan has no real way of knowing what Ruth and Gert have or have not investigated, why, because Joan has already made up her mind that the sisters are stupid and don’t understand the psychology. Only a person in the grip of self-pity speaks over and over again that the others ‘did nothing to understand her feelings’…broken record, get it fixed! Can’t you remember Joan you said this before! If we don’t have any credentials please tell me why Joan is still engaged in communicating with us? She should say goodbye already and find someone who gives a shit. Joan knows without a doubt that we are guilty of ‘willful ignorance’; Joan’s ‘bad mommy’ skills are showing! Where are your facts, about our ignorance? Having a different opinion is not willful ignorance; it’s just plain having a different opinion.

    Instead of answering the charges against her, she turns the tables and ‘chooses’ to see whining where there are accusations stated. Ruth and Gert are NOT uncomfortable… the very fact that Joan uses that word points to the fact that she IS THE ONE WHO IS UNCOMFORTABE. Joan thinks she is ‘dishing out’ the same kind of treatment she received? And what was that ‘treatment’ that I ‘dished out’ to her? I told her to get los so why is she still around why did she write a libelous book? Joan, be specific about what ‘treatment’ I dished out to you please I need to know so I can do it again. Joan attacks anyone who has an opposing opinion from her own. Joan has not been defending herself…for she has NOT answered the charges against her…the charges that were placed on a comment on champ’s blog which she choose to ignore and not post.

  6. part 2 What really is pissing Joan off is that the book was pulled from publication. She refuses to acknowledge that Ruth and Gert did NOT destroy the book…the publisher…did, because Joan violated their contract. Joan is losing touch with reality. She ‘believes’ she ‘showed us as we truly are’! NOT…that’s why the book is libelous, because it is not a true story nor a true representation of us. And Joan WANTED to expose everyone…according to her own inner vision…of everyone. As we have said from the beginning…Joan Wheeler is a liar and wrote a libelous book for fame and fortune…she exploited our family and she still is doing it.

    My purpose in life, at this moment, is very much focused on Joan Wheeler…that is a very constructive thing to do. It is MY LIFE after all and I will live it as I see fit, not as Joan Wheeler wants me to live it. She wrote about my life in that libelous book. l will spend as much time as it takes for Joan Wheeler to answer the charges against her that she did to me and my family. If Joan is being destroyed, that’s her problem, not mine. She is the one who lied and wrote a libelous book…deal with that…for I will be in your face until you, Joan, answer the charges against you. Joan mistakes us for a governmental state with some kind of authority…faulty logic! I purchased $1,000 worth of books (I have the receipts, they were mine, not Joan Wheeler’s) I own them and I could and did do anything I wanted with them, including cutting, shedding, burning, shitting on them, anything… there were MY PROPERTY to do with as I saw fit. And yes, we are PROUD of the fact that we were able to show you and the world want we think your libelous book is worth! Damn straight! No one gets to write lies about me and my family and GET AWAY WITH IT.

    Here is that reversal; again…Joan doesn’t like it when others claim to have feelings, opinions and rights. If the book was not written about us, then why are we in it? She never answers that. And we see her temper is getting the better of her the longer she writes.So is this why Joan keeps arguing with us…so she can USE the family again and again? That’s called exploitation! NO, Joan, people are seeing that you are the nutcase that you are.There’s those feelings again. It’s all about her…but didn’t she just say… stop with the "ME! ME! ME!" attitudes..? Isn’t she doing just that? Right…throw the blame on someone else…

  7. game is up brian maloney I found you and have exposed you
    truth always wins out

    why don't you disappear

    1. Congratulations! You're a real Sherlock Holmes! NOT!
