Monday, May 21, 2012

An Open Offer

OK. Here's the deal, "ladies". I'm NOT JOAN WHEELER! On the ongoing little temper tantrums you actually have the audacity to call blogs, you state you need proof that I'm not her, and suggest I put my driver's license or something like that all over the internet. Well, I'll consider doing that after I see yours! But, I do have an alternate suggestion. If you need proof that I'm who I say I am, I'll be willing to meet you in person. I'll even bring Joan if you need me to do that. You may bring one another, or, for that matter, anyone you wish to bring. Should you decide to accept this offer, you may respond by leaving a comment here. This will be the only communication between us. If I prove I'm not Joan, I'll expect an appology to both her and myself ON YOUR BLOGS. Should you NOT accept the offer to meet, I'll expect you to acknowledge that fact on your "blogs", and admit you were wrong. In any event, either way, you have the opportunity to demonstrate that "Sippel family honor", or lack thereof, you seem so keen on defending.
One other thing I should clear up. I in no way attacked or cast judgement on either Wicca or Theodism. I merely asked the question of whether the hateful, spiteful behavior of you two was typical of the members of these two religions in general. As in any belief system, I'm sure there are good people who are capable presenting their beliefs in a positive way. Then there are a few who are not so good, and cast an unfavorable light on their systems values. I was not questioning the two belief systems. I was merely wondering how the two of you represent the values of your respective systems.
I won't be visiting your tirades, (oops. Sorry. I guess you would prefer me to call them "blogs".) That won't be happening. If I want to be bored, I'll find a way to be bored minus the hate.
I don't know whether to say I'm looking forward to a response, or would prefer you to not respond, which would be an admission that you are DEAD WRONG about my identity, and show you for the bullies and cowards you truely are.

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