Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Response to Ignorance and Stupidity

Ok. I admit I didn’t use spell check. And no, I never claimed to be perfect. But, if I may quote you, you state, “most people, when they present themselves in a written matter who like to show that they are NOT ignorant… But Champ wants us to believe that he is far more stupider than Joan.” Trudie, Trudie, Trudie! You’re so angry you’ve become incoherent! The first part of the quote is incomplete, making no point whatsoever. But then again, you’ve written an entire blog that reflects that style, haven’t you? And “more stupider” is just plain wrong. It should have been either “More stupid” or “stupider”. I may not have used spell check, but you could most assuredly benefit from a remedial English class.
It’s amusing also that you still believe that I’m Joan. In that, as in most of the pathetic claptrap you call a blog, you’re dead wrong. But, as you continue to wallow in your ignorance, and continue to deny that there are real issues, you, in your megalomania, don’t see that you’re helping to illustrate the exact points that Joan is making! She actually couldn’t ask for a better, real life example of exactly what kind of havoc adoption can wreak on EVERYONE involved. The fact of the matter is that Joan has sought, and is still receiving assistance with her issues. You don’t even acknowledge you have you own issues, let alone have made any attempt whatsoever to resolve them. The fact is, you and your sisters are in denial.
Your refusal to meet with me comes as no surprise. It simply shows you for the bullies and cowards you are! I hope you’re proud of yourselves. I’m sure no one else is!


  1. Ignorance and stupidity…Joan Wheeler knows that all too well.

    She just can’t stop herself…she must continue, under the mask of Champ, because she is too much of a coward to face her accusers personally. By doing it this way, she is able to continue to use her trademarks, of browbeating and intimidation, making the other be wrong and not taking responsibility for her own actions. But of course, the real reason why she is doing so is because she has no other avenue to address us siblings and stopping our blogs.

    Everyone knows that Champ is Joan Wheeler; she is the only one who refuses to acknowledge that her ‘cover’ has been exposed from the beginning. But if it makes her feel important and if it gives her an avenue to speak to her siblings than I guess that’s okay. Little minds need some avenues.

    So on June 19th I noticed that Champ visited my blog! Amazing!! Joan/Champ have been saying she doesn’t read my blog, but, sure enough her footprint is right there on my blog. And, then shortly afterwards, presto, my comments were placed on Champ’s blog along with another response to me! So much for Champ/Joan’s insistence that they don’t read my blog and that they have nothing more to say to me; Joan wants and needs to continue to have an avenue to talk with me!

    What is so fascinating about this exchange is what is NOT responded to, by Joan, AND, her continued use of her signature tactics. She really is giving us a wonderful study in bullying tactics. For example, her continued use of NOT using the right name of the person she is addressing. Since I pointed out that Ruth and I are not offended by her calling us by childhood names, she now, is using ‘Trudie’ instead of my real name Gert! This is an attempt to ‘dehumanize’ the other, by denying them their proper name. That is a terrorist tactic and I am not impressed!

    Another signature of Joan’s is how, when she needs to feel ‘superior’, usually when the other pushes her into a corner, she goes after the other’s language and grammar. We have seen this many times on forums where Joan browbeats, a pro-adoption person or anyone who opposes her, by pointing out any improper language/grammar that they may have used. This tactic is call, diversion, find something wrong, go after that, insult while doing it, and the original point will be lost in the diversion. Joan would rather find whatever small infraction with me, than deal with the real issues! I am not impressed! I know Joan Wheeler when I see her and Champ is just a mask!

    Joan must stay behind the mask and continue with her game because she is insecure; she can’t take the heat of her own making. She believes totally in her mask. By her continued assertions that Champ is NOT her, she is only proving that she IS Champ. By her continued attempts to prove to us, that her mask is real, she keeps revealing the truth behind the mask! Her steady stream of insults proves this. Certainly I have used insults, to Joan, but I ALSO have provided proof of Joan’s dirty words and deeds. That is WHY Joan needs the mask because those words and deeds of hers are coming out and she can’t handle them!

    She cannot answer the real issues that stand between her and her siblings…Joan’s behavior to them!

  2. part 2Joan’s contention, that, we siblings are an example of exactly what kind of havoc adoption can wreak on EVERYONE involved is bullshit! That position comes from Joan’s life as an adoptee and is promoted by those in the anti-adoption movement and by professionals that make money off the insecurities of weak-minded people, such as Joan. Joan’s adoption NEVER cause any havoc on us! What DID cause havoc were Joan Wheeler’s own behaviors.

    So Joan, would you be so kind as to inform us as to why, you, in 1980/81, decided that it was your right and responsibility to interfere in my parental business with my ADOPTION of my son? And why you felt it was your right and responsibility to call child abuse upon me? And why did you feel that it was right and proper for you to tell my minor children that they did not have to listen to their parents?

    And the answer is NOT that adoption is wrong and would cause harm…I do not want to hear that answer…and I don’t want to hear the same bullshit that you put in the libelous book…that’s already been proven false. I want to hear, and see, you take responsibility for the HAVOC you and your behavior caused to me and my family. If you don’t, then everyone will see and know that you are the coward, for you cannot accept responsibility for your own actions.

    Prove me wrong! Speak up about your behavior…or are you still going to hid behind some mask called Champ? Come clean Joan Wheeler here’s your chance to tell the entire world about the havoc that you caused me!

    Joan’s argument that she is still getting assistance with her issues only proves that she really does need the help. Am I supposed to be impressed with this? How many more years will it take for Joan to get better and take responsibility for the dirty deeds she has done to me? Has she told her mental health professional that she is engaging in negative behavior with her siblings? Why doesn’t Joan have her therapist contact me so that I can contribute with getting Joan better? Joan is in NO position to state what is or is not my issues. She is the one who is in therapy! Fact is Joan was not even in my thoughts for decades until she wrote the libelous book and now she has me in her face and she can’t accept that.

    Joan/Champ’s parting statements are: It simply shows you for the bullies and cowards you are! I hope you’re proud of yourselves. I’m sure no else is!

    Joan, by hiding behind a mask, you demonstrate the classic profile of a bully, who is a coward at heart. You sound like your adoptive mother, who told you over and over again… ‘hope you’re proud of yourselves…no one else is’…Joan that is your ‘book-speak’…you forget…I have really READ that book and I know your speech patterns and you are not fooling anyone. Oh yes, I have much more to say on my blog, I’ve only touched the surface of the stuff that I have on Joan Wheeler! I am not going anywhere any time soon…so deal with it.

  3. from Ruth, via Gert...
    And Chimp - the only reason I haven't answered you yet is beause I am too dam busy. I told you before that I will answer you when I'm good and ready. Losers are low on my list of priorities.

    I want to take time to comment on this paragraph by Gert:
    "Joan’s contention, that, we siblings are an example of exactly what kind of havoc adoption can wreak on EVERYONE involved is bullshit! That position comes from Joan’s life as an adoptee and is promoted by those in the anti-adoption movement and by professionals that make money off the insecurities of weak-minded people, such as Joan. Joan’s adoption NEVER cause any havoc on us! What DID cause havoc were Joan Wheeler’s own behaviors"

    .Right. Joan - EXPLAIN how YOU stole hundreds of dollars from me in 1990. And explain to everyone how I told you on the phone "keep the dam money - and I never want to see you again!"

    That's right - I was sick to my stomach of how I was used by Joan and her husband Colby and they both treated me like a dog - and stole money from me in 1990. We had a joint checking account to be used for the expenses in buying real estate. (closing costs, lawyer fees, broker fees). The money I put in (it was all my money anyway, the joint account was set because I work night shift, and this left Joan and Colby free to do money transactions while I was sleeping in the day.

    I TRUSTED JOAN WITH MY MONEY -AND WHAT DID SHE DO? SHE STOLE IT. Dipped into it to fix the brakes on her car WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! -- that is called STEALING not "borrowing" as she said in her book. She does admit in the book that I became angry with her because the money just "disappeared." DISAPPEARED? DISAPPEARED? How does money disappear - money that was supposed to be used for real estate purposes? When you write a check out for closing costs - you get a receipt. I NEVER SAW RECEIPTS - All I know is when we dissovled the "partnership" it all came out how she had been dipping into MY money.

    THEN when we were to be given a refund from the lawyer - Mr. Robert Campo (see Joan, I name names and provide PROOF of everything I write on our blogs) - Joan agreed to give me her portion of the refund to repay me for the money that she and Colby owed me. But what did she do? In December 1990 - she calls me on the phone DICTATING to me that she was going to keep the money to provide xmas presents for her kids.

    That's when I blew up at her. Excuse Me! She had a husband who had a job. She was too lazy to get off her ass and get a job and provide xmas for two little kids that SHE WHELPED - not me.





    So tell us again Joan - that MY behavior is the kind of havoc adoption can wreak on EVERYONE. NO - it is and always has been YOUR behavior that wreaked havoc on our family. IT IS YOUR BEHAVIOR THAT GOT KICKED OUT OF THE FAMILY.


  4. what's the matter...cat got your tongue...can't answer DIRECT questions related to Joan Wheeler's behavior...what are YOU AFRAID OF

    come out in the open and defend the actions of Joan Wheeler..isn't that what you say you are doing...defending her...so where are you now and home come you are NOT defending the accusations I placed upon her?
    coward and bully is all you are!

  5. if you are truly interested in “defending” Joan Wheeler, why are you wasting time with these bullshit challenges and bullying US? Your blog is supposed to be about defending Joan, not calling me and Gert names. So get down to business buddy and start defending Joan. Begin by going to my refuting blog and DEFEND her against every statement I have said about her – including defending Joan’s own words – yes, I have posted on my blog actual HARASSING letters IN JOAN’S OWN HANDWRITING to me.

    You can’t defend that can you? You knew from the minute we trashed your very first post on your defending blog that we saw right thru you – because despite the title of your blog “Defending Joan Wheeler,” you have done very little defending. You’ve spent the rest of your time acting like a petulant child and calling us names. — how old did you say you were? Because you are talking like a friggin 10 year old.

    and why don't you post this comment so everyone on the internet can see what a liar you are. coward - you won't post this comment because you know I'm telling the truth. - LadyMoondancer, aka Ruth Sippel Pace
    see, I give both my screen name AND my real name, unlike Chimp who hides behind Joan's skirts in her delusional brain.

  6. and I notice that you DIDN'T place my comment about the charges against Joan How come..afraid of the truth..

  7. The simple fact that Champ does not disclose his/her real name, relationship to Joan, credentials, or reason for defending her is enough to discredit ANYTHING and EVERYTHING written on this blog. I think the sisters are correct, Champ is Joan.

    Joan has created this blog, not to defend herself, but to continue to bait and taunt her birth sisters into defending themselves, so she can continue to have "reason" to bash them and seek pity from others. She uses her adopted status, first and foremost, to make good people feel sorry for her. After all, who wouldn't have pity on a woman who reunited with her birth sisters only to be rejected by them? But Joan doesn't make it clear why she was rejected. Why would any birth sister reject an adopted sibling after reuniting just to reject them? Stop feeling sorry for Joan. She is a big girl who needs to stop pointing fingers and feeling sorry for herself and seeking pity and start being accountable for her part in the final rejection and alienation, which had NOTHING to do with the fact she was adopted.

    Joan knows her birth sisters well enough to know exactly what makes them vulnerable and quick to defend: their love and respect for themselves and each other. Joan bashes one knowing that the other will lash out in defense. This, in turn, creates an atmosphere of hate and anger toward Joan, and Joan feeds off of it, and uses it as her "reason" for feeling like she must always defend herself.

    Sociopaths do this! Twisted people with no conscience and no real reason for living other than seeking to destroy others. Joan has targeted her birth sisters. How despicable. I don't care if any of what she says is actually the truth. To purposely exploit and attempt to debase someone for the pure joy of debasing them is evil. Writing over 600 pages of bashing under the guise that it's about adoption is pure recklessness.

    I say let Champ keep writing and stop commenting or refuting anything he/she has to say. Keep telling your side on your blog. Keep loving each other. Continue to live a happy life. People will think what they want to think and choose to make the mistake of believing Joan. You can't stop that. But you can stop wasting your time on this pathetic person. No one will publish anything she writes unless it's pure fiction and unrelated to adoption or adoption reunions. If she wanted to make a difference in the adoption world, she destroyed her chances by writing lies in the first place. If a publishing house stops the print of a book, they have been convinced with solid evidence that the published piece is filled with damaging lies against an innocent party or parties.


  8. In 1997, Brian T. Maloney and his brother Barry E. Maloney had BBM Distributors. At the time Brian was married to Margaret. But then he divorced and married Jane Anne Foley. and divorced again.

    had some trouble owing $$$ Chase bank and a foreclosure from Georgian Village condominuim.

    Got you dead to rights Brian. Don’t like YOUR life interfered with? Well neither do I,


  9. First of all, I might suggest you remove the term "Lady" from your name, as that in no way applies to you. Second, my wife Margaret actually DIED! NOW who's the LIAR? If you can't get that right, how much of everything else you prattle on about is false? The rest are matters of public record, so it would be available to anyone who's such a busybody, such as yourself, who would care to access them. So now that you've found out what anyone else could find out, where do you want to take this? Maybe you would like to talk about your relationship with a certain Arab woman who's name starts with S? Shall we show how much of a "LADY" you are by talking about what sweet things you did with her?
    In response to Paularenee, are you so blind that you can't see that these women are so filled with hate that they are incapable of loving ANYONE including themselves? Take the blinders off and you'll be far better off. After all, if you lie down with dogs, you can expect to get up with fleas.

  10. are you talking about Shadya, who sent me a card after I misarried my son in 1985 and offered to cook me dinners and send them over to me. And the sweet things I did to her - well when she was 17, and just met me, she started the harassing phone calls and I ended that nonsense.
    whatever went down between me and Shadya was nothing compared to what Joan has done to me. so there is no comparison. And Shadya and her family and I have moved past that. I never wrote a lying book about Shadya, never stole money from her. And YOU are NO gentleman to be slinging shit around. As to your wife Margaret dying - that will happen to everyone. Just beause I got ONE thing wrong, does not make me a liar. it shows that no, I am not perfect. I was guilty of an assumption. Just as YOU are because you know nothing of my relationship with Shadya, just the gossip that Joan told you. And you just admitted to exactly who you are. The term Lady in my screen name is MY business, and for you to be flinging mud shows the world what an abuser you are. And this defends Joan how?
    You are supposed to be taking a charge I level against Joan and defending it, not flinging mud around.
    get down to business and defend Joan stealing money from me and lying to my employer that I have a criminal record when I do not. You have been exposed as a weak sniveling coward who still won't admit to his name. You spew crap from your mouth, but do not take credit for it. Stand on your feet little man. And to call women dogs - well, we see what kind of person YOU are.

  11. It takes an abuser to suspect another of being one.
    You PURPOSLY stated I was divorced twice. If you had information on my marital status, you would have access to the facts. You, therefor, LIED! Deny it if you want, but facts are facts.
    I never called women dogs.I merely quoted an addage.
    And, in my experience, a "lady" seldom uses vulgarity. You seem rather addicted to the use of it, however, so that rather disqualifies you from that title. Fishwife, nag, whiner, complainer and paranoid, however, are terms which I can accept.
    Talk to Joan's ex about the money.
    As to your question about how this defends Joan, with each comment you make, the readers of this blog realize that you are as much a victim of what adoption can do as Joan is. In fact, your blog points that out to the readers of THAT how badly adoption can affect a family, and you're just showing that what Joan is warning against is a real concern and issue. The fact that you are in denial, and that you would rather wallow in hate and your internal suffering rather than seek the help that could let you actually be at peace, changes nothing.
    Last, but not least, the reason you decided to attack Joan's book was only because there were truths in it that you were ashamed of. Well, everyone has things they're not proud of having done, so welcome to the club! The fact that Joan tried to protect you by giving you a different name in the book made no difference. In a fit of supreme stupidity, you identified YOURSELF, then complained about what you, in fact, did to yourself.
    You believe that I'm attacking you. In reality, I'm merely trying to get you to see how desperately you need help. One of these days, if you don't calm down a bit, you'll rile yourself up to the point of having a stroke or heart attack. I certainly would not wish that, or any other harm, on you or your sisters, but if that should occur, you'll have only yourself to blame.
    I wish you peace.

  12. Gert says, Adoption had and has NOTHING to do with why Joan's life is a mess,just because she believes that it does, does not make it so,writing a lying book only made things worst, get real already,this is a dead issue, just like the book,got any more beefs about that go to the publisher and argue with them,they and their lawyers SAW that the book of libelous. Joan's actions to many people over the years is well documented and because she can not and will not admit to her mistakes, is a prime cause why her life is hell, like she loves to tell everyone.

    Joan and you feel that by cutting out a tumor called adoption and her feelings of injustice, that will solve her problems,but it will not, the problem that we the birth siblings have with Joan is that she is a liar and betrayer and in her and your quest to portray adoption as a big tumor and that we have the negative aspects of it only proves her illogical logic, she is living a lie and continues to destroy other people's values, rights and dignity because of that lie.

    Joan ceased to have any meaning in my life since 1981/82 when she interferred with my parental authorities with my children, Joan's adoption had nothing to do with any of my life's decisions, then or now. We will not be defined by Joan's and your warped sense of things, continue on...for we shall too. Sane people know how to read and make decisions, they do not need you and Joan to tell them how to think and believe. Brian, we have nothing more to talk about, so why don't you disappear, that would be very peaceful of you but we know you won't because you are a bully

  13. gert says...
    Facts are facts...just because you choose to ignore them doesn't make them go away

    DARVO is the acronym for the standard abuser protocol:

    Deny, Attack and Reverse roles of Victim and Offender

  14. DARVO. Deny- you do so rather well, Gert. You deny the fact that adoption HAS affected not only Joan, but your entire family. Attack- That is the entire purpose of everything you write. Reverse roles- It is YOUR writing and they were YOUR actions which have victimized Joan, and now you want the world to believe that YOU'RE the victim. Any rational individual can that it's you yourself who is the offender.
    I never mentioned Reiki, but yes, I am a Master/Teacher and can present not only my certificates but my lineage as well. As far as living the Reiki principles goes, I recite them every day. There is a part which states, " I will be kind to every living thing." If that means that trying to bring peace to a family desperately in need of peace is a breach of that principle, then I am guilty as charged. Another of the principles is " I will not anger." I am saddened to see so many who are so disturbed, but I am not angry with anyone. The only one who shows anger is our Level 1 Reiki attunee. That shows anger and unkindness all too clearly. So WHO is the one bringing disgrace to Reiki? As far as charlatans go, I have treated a number of people quite successfully with both distance and hands on treatments.
    One last thing here. I haven't gone digging to try to find something to damage any of you. You, however, have not refrained from trying to investigate me, and have sought to harm me by publishing information about me. Yes, I believe DARVO applies to you most fittingly.

  15. gert says
    Yep I know you would ‘turn it around’….typical reaction from a bully…exposure of a bullying was our intentions, from the start…it was you would refused to identify yourself. We have nothing to hide so go ahead and search we have been always in the open.
    Brian, you are not informed about our family, but you have been told is filtered from Joan’s point of view…that is the whole reason WHY the birth siblings are speaking, from OUR point of view. You don’t have to like it or understand it, but, it is our right to speak it and we will not allow you or anyone else to bully us for speaking, go right ahead with what ever you feel or think…we are doing the same.
