Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back again.

Sorry for my absence, but I don't visit here often. I have to say that I do miss reading the rather amusing comments. They show me how ignorance, stupidity, and egomania can degenerate into pure spiteful viciousness. Do you REALLY think anyone cares about you other than yourselves? If so, just remember that it was YOU who identified yourselves. Such egos!
How many times must you be told that the book was not about YOU but about how adoption   affects not only the adoptee, but the entire family? And you claim that you can identify yourselves in the book. Hmmm. That can ONLY mean that what Joan writes MUST be true and accurate. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to identify yourselves.
You seem to delight in trying to destroy Joan’s reputation. You must have more education in psychology and social work than she has, so invite you to present your professional credentials, or at least present to the world any degrees from an institution of higher learning so that I can give credence to what you write.
You also go on and on about your rights to say whatever you want, but you would deny Joan the right to do the same. How hypocritical! And to put the frosting on the cake, your entire family criticized Joan for having an African-American boyfriend in college. Funny how that turned out, isn’t it?
You seem unable to counter anything I post effectively, so you resort to name calling! I’m a scum bag? I don’t have to resort to that kind of childish nonsense, but I will point out that it takes one to know one.
Most people want peace in their lives, but you’ll never know that as long as you keep stoking the fires of hate and resentment. Sooner or later that will destroy you. You are already mentally unbalanced, and your continued nonsense after 30 years proves that. Of course you want to destroy Joan. She’s the only one of you who has tried to improve and educate herself. You have been content with the menial jobs you have had and still have, and have shown no signs of even considering advancing or educating yourselves. I’ll give credit to you both, though. At least you were able to hold some kind of job.
I’ll check in from time to time to see if you’ve posted any more silliness. Till then, I hope you can somehow find peace. If you give it a try, you might find that life could be more pleasant!  


  1. Here's the title of my blog post in answer to this..

    Oh gods…Brian Maloney, Joan Wheeler’s defender, is ‘back again’…

    by gertmcqueen on August 11, 2012

  2. Brian T. Maloney, (Lion) Reiki Healer (?) from Williamsville NY judges teachers and health care workers as having "menial jobs."


    have fun sweetie!

    1. Keep misrepresenting what I've posted all you want. My postings are available to be viewed by anyone. If you have twisted the truth about Joan the same way you twist what I've written, that should indicate the total lack of credibility in your so called blog. You could honestly re-name it "A BLOG OF LIES". That, at least, would be honest.
      Have fun sweetie!

  3. see my new blog

    It boggles the mind…Joan Wheeler hates her blood family yet uses the dead members of the birth family and another dead person to HIDE behind and ATTACK the living birth members!
    by gertmcqueen on August 14, 2012

  4. Just to keep you informed that you failed to "heal" Joan. - sorry.

    Joan Wheeler/legitimate bastard gives us her views on ‘why do adoptees cut off contact???????’

    I really think you should take a look at it. It also includes a private facebook message that I received (unsolicited) from Joan's tenant.

    1. I never claimed to "heal" Joan. As far as her tenant goes, I met him and am aware that there were problems between the two. Perhaps you might take note of the fact that there are two sides to every argument.
      Peace to you.

    2. you did claim to defend her, against what I still can't figure that as it may...

      yes there are two sides to every argument and we are continuing to tell our side of OUR lives and family...

      we really don't care what goes on in her life, who she has in it etc...only, to tell our side of the arguments that she presents...whereever, however and for how ever long she speaks falsehoods against ourselves and our family. I lived for decades without peace, she broke the peace when she published lies.

      She can end it all by removing ALL hate references against us on those blogs and by you removing this blog...or we just continue on each of us speaking our side of every argument.

  5. There is no "hate" in Joan's book. She is merely telling the story of her life as she remembers it. If you were not trying to hide something you might be ashamed of, you would not be trying so hard to discredit what was said. That speaks volumes. It was YOU who identified yourselves after all. Joan changed your names in the book so that you would NOT be identified.
    You may very well have your own story to tell, and that may differ from Joan's. Each person has their own version of how things happened, and each person has the right to free speech. What you are trying to do is deprive Joan of that right.
    If you want to get your story out, instead of publishing a blog which is full of hate, and instead of threatening, harassing, and stalking anyone who doesn't agree with you, why don't you write your own book refuting what Joan's book has to say.
    I'm afraid that until your childishness stops, this blog stays. I'm not defending what Joan said in her book. I wasn't there. What I'm defending is her right to tell her story. She's simply trying to show that despite all the good intentions of those who adopt, things can go very, very wrong. The only thing your blog does is point to the fact that she's 100% correct, and every word you write in your blog proves that. After 30 years, you are still obsessed with trying to destroy your own sister. That just isn't normal behavior. Trying to discredit people who have expertise in fields in which you are not trained is not normal behavior. Stalking and harassing people who write favorable reviews of what they have read is not only not normal behavior, but is DANGEROUS behavior as well. For your sake, I hope you realize that one day, your hate will cause you to overstep, and you'll attack the wrong person. Then it will be too late. Hate has a very nasty habit of turning back on haters. I hope you learn to control yourself before that happens.
    As always, I hope you find peace in your life.

  6. obviously have missed the point(s) and you think, we have missed the points. So be it, but, and this is a big but...the proof is in the pudding...the book is/was libeous because the publisher saw the evidence and knew that they needed to rid themselves of that book, and Joan violated their contract. First amendment rights/freedom of speech does not give anyone the right to make falsehoods...I'm not going to explain this or other things to you.

    The reason for this 'renewed' communications was to alert you to the facts that your 'friend' may be in need of some serious helps, but I see that our concerns are worthless on individuals who want to believe in their own BS. You really need to get off the issue of the's DEAD.

    Joan Wheeler did indeed ID-ed the family, and us siblings, long before we knew the book was published, we provided that info, if you missed that...not my problem. If you can't see the 'hate' in that book, than there really is no help for you or her or her friends! The publishers did, see the hate, once they READ THE BOOK...they pulled it, it can NOT BE PRINTED ANYMORE. Joan's memories do not include making up untruths about other people's lives where she wasn't ever around to know anything, let alone remember, anything about them ...that's called fabrications, lies.

    I assure you I have NOTHING to be ashamed of or to hide. There is NOTHING that Joan, let alone someone, like you, who does not know me or my family, can say that they KNOW about me and my life, let alone attempt to intimidate me by this kind of bullshit. That is called BLACKMAIL and I don't fall for those kind of con-games. Try me!

    On the contrary, Brian, it is Joan, in her inabilities to understand reality, have done many things that she ought to be ashamed of but blames on to other ahead...let it all hang out...go ahead and EXPOSE the things that I'm ashamed of that I want to silence Joan over! There is NOTHING BETTER that I want than to get in a court room where EVERYTHING can be looked at and judged. I lack the funds. Do you have them? Cause I would LOVE to be in court with all of this...don't you? Let's get down to it, Brian...take the issue to a court, but, you or Joan will have to pay the bill...if not, then I continue to write in the court of public opinions.

    As far as the reviewer of the libelous book on Amazon UK, is concerned...I had an opposing view, wrote a review which she choose to take offense to, attack, because, oh gee, my review wasn't for the book or Joan. Then the reviewer proceeded to accuse me of stalking wrong, wrong, wrong! That reviewer never once wrote anything pro or con about the CONTENTS of the book! And, if you need more info it's all on my blog.

    Our blogs are our book...get used to that fact!

    In 1980 when Joan interferred with my minor children and the adoption of my son, she was told to butt out of my life. I divorced myself from her. Never laid eyes on her til 1992, for one afternoon, and she started more shit. She wrote a letter to me, to start shit in 1998, I told her to get lost. I had a phone conversation with her in 2003/4 or5 (can't recall cause it doesn't matter) during that call she told me she LOVED me! Bullshit...

    She BROKE THE PEACE when she wrote a 600 page book of lies...and NOW SHE HAS ME BACK IN HER LIFE TO DEATH DO WE PART! DEAL WITH IT.

  7. Sorry, Gert. You outed yourself, and THAT'S the truth. You're not aware, or don't care, how silly you're making yourself look. Now you and Ruth are telling other people what they can and cannot like? There have been others throughout history who have tried to do the same. I won't mention names, but they have all suffered defeat in the end.
    You are very good at stalking, even though much of the information you find is erroneous. That doesn't seem to bother you, though. Intimidation seems to be your main weapon. You should realize there are those who won't give in.
    I am in no way telling you what you can or can't write. The only thing I'm doing is defending Joan's right to tell her story the way she sees it. I extend the same courtesy to you.
    I hope you find some peace in your life. You'll feel much better.

  8. Those to old timers are totally unhinged. Their blogs read like one huge manic episode & I hope they get help

    1. Thanks for your reply, Anonymous. To set the record straight, I have no idea who you are, and I suggest you don't identify yourself due to the fact that you would be the next victim of these two stalkers.
      Sorry it took so long to publish your comment, but as I said, I don't visit here often. Just to let you know, one of these "old timers" joined a professional networking site I'm on with the sole purpose of stalking Joan and myself. She then posted a link to a posting in her blog which states that I called her, and by extension, all women, as dogs. What ACTUALLY was said by me in a response to a reader of HER blog was to realize that if you sleep with dogs, expect to wake up with fleas. She presumably either never heard that expression, never understood what it meant, or deliberately misinterpreted it. Since then, I have received more endorsements and invitations to join groups and make connections than I have in the past 6 months! Their stalking seems to have rather backfired on them.
      Stay Anonymous, my friend. You're better off that way. Also, if you know anyone in the mental health field, you might have them take a look at the ravings on both of the blogs you've read. I would welcome a professional assessment on these two women, and would be happy to publish them here.
