Monday, August 27, 2012

Let's set the record straight

And the nonsense continues. I don’t normally read the silliness posted on either Ruthie’s or Gertie’s  so called “blogs”, but there were a few things that were brought to my attention. I should probably set the record straight.
First, I actually AM a Reiki practitioner, and I have the greatest respect for the Reiki principles, one of which states. “I will be kind to people and all living things.” If you have read my posts, I have often urged these two tormented women to seek the help they need in order to find some measure of peace in their lives. They have obviously not done so, and are in denial that they need counseling. As far as one of them being a Reiki practitioner goes, I would ask how she reconciles her behavior with the principle I mentioned. I might also mention that being a Reiki practitioner is NOT my occupation, and I have never asked for or accepted any monetary payment from treating anyone. I feel that if someone requests a treatment, they have enough to deal with without having to worry about financial considerations. Sure sounds like I abuse and bully people, doesn’t it? 
Now on to point 2. Desperation shows when my family, who has nothing to do with either of these people, is brought up. I cite the statement that my sister is a teacher. She, in fact, is not. Was that a mistake on the poster’s part, or was it a deliberate lie? One can only wonder. And why was my sister brought up in the first place? The only conclusion can be that the poster is a stalker, and is willing to go to any length to try to discredit me. How long will it be before my sister is attacked and harassed?
Point 3. There was a review of my EX-WIFE’S liquor store that was rather uncomplimentary. Now the attack falls on HER and does not address any issue the poster has with ME. Now she’s trying to ruin the reputation of a totally innocent and uninvolved party. Again, I would ask the question of whether the poster was aware of the fact that I am in no way associated with the store, or is this yet another example of how she’ll lie in order to try to destroy someone’s reputation.
Point 4. I have never been in the real estate business. Another mistake or lie?
Point 5. I never denigrated nurse’s aids. They are an important and necessary part of any medical facility, and I actually hold them in high esteem. I just questioned the reason why, in 30 some years, there has been no inclination to take advantage of some of the opportunities which must have presented themselves in order to seek advancement.
Point 6. I am not now, nor was I ever, an abuser. Outside of their own paranoia, I challenge either one of them to bring forth the name of anyone, male or female, who was abused or bullied by me. If someone wants to see abuse, however, I have only to refer them to the postings of my accusers. They will find both stalking AND abuse in both “blogs”. As far as me being a bully goes, if suggesting that they seek help in order to find some measure of peace and happiness in their heretofore sad little lives is bullying, then I guess I’m guilty. If you want to see what bullying REALLY is, just read their “blogs”. You’ll find nothing BUT bullying there. I would say that their concept of bullying is that anyone who disagrees with them is a bully and wrong. When someone DOES present a differing point of view, they whine about it. I guess they can dish it out o.k., and don’t mind trampling on other’s rights to free speech, but they can’t take it, even when it’s not happening to them. Interesting, no? Paranoia perhaps? The world isn’t out to get you two, and neither am I. I haven’t gone out and tried to find out what you do, who you know, or what misfortunes you’ve encountered. Yet you two have tried to do that to me, and in the process, have gotten much of it wrong. Aren’t you tired of embarrassing yourselves yet, or are you deliberately lying?   
I have at no time resorted to name-calling or foul language. The only purpose for this blog is to try to stop the viciousness toward a friend who is desperately trying to sever relations with her persecutors so that she can find some peace in her life.
Due to the mistakes or outright lies I have countered here, stop and wonder how much of the postings of these two tormented souls is in any way accurate.
Once again, I can only wish them peace in their lives.   

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back again.

Sorry for my absence, but I don't visit here often. I have to say that I do miss reading the rather amusing comments. They show me how ignorance, stupidity, and egomania can degenerate into pure spiteful viciousness. Do you REALLY think anyone cares about you other than yourselves? If so, just remember that it was YOU who identified yourselves. Such egos!
How many times must you be told that the book was not about YOU but about how adoption   affects not only the adoptee, but the entire family? And you claim that you can identify yourselves in the book. Hmmm. That can ONLY mean that what Joan writes MUST be true and accurate. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to identify yourselves.
You seem to delight in trying to destroy Joan’s reputation. You must have more education in psychology and social work than she has, so invite you to present your professional credentials, or at least present to the world any degrees from an institution of higher learning so that I can give credence to what you write.
You also go on and on about your rights to say whatever you want, but you would deny Joan the right to do the same. How hypocritical! And to put the frosting on the cake, your entire family criticized Joan for having an African-American boyfriend in college. Funny how that turned out, isn’t it?
You seem unable to counter anything I post effectively, so you resort to name calling! I’m a scum bag? I don’t have to resort to that kind of childish nonsense, but I will point out that it takes one to know one.
Most people want peace in their lives, but you’ll never know that as long as you keep stoking the fires of hate and resentment. Sooner or later that will destroy you. You are already mentally unbalanced, and your continued nonsense after 30 years proves that. Of course you want to destroy Joan. She’s the only one of you who has tried to improve and educate herself. You have been content with the menial jobs you have had and still have, and have shown no signs of even considering advancing or educating yourselves. I’ll give credit to you both, though. At least you were able to hold some kind of job.
I’ll check in from time to time to see if you’ve posted any more silliness. Till then, I hope you can somehow find peace. If you give it a try, you might find that life could be more pleasant!  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Your use of crude language is exceeded only by your cruelty and total disregard of the feelings of others. Answer this question. What have either of you done to try to understand why Joan feels the way she does about adoption? Oh! That's right. Nothing! What have you investigated about the psychology of adoption from the point of view of an adoptee? Oh! Again, nothing. Please feel free to present your professional credentials in either psychology, social work, or a related field, and perhaps then you'll have something worthwhile to discuss. In some instances, ignorance can be excused. Willful ignorance, of which you two are guilty, can NEVER be excused. You're whining because I'm giving you the same kind of treatment you've been dishing out to Joan for years, and you're finding it rather uncomfortable. Well, when you stop, so will I. I've BEEN defending Joan, and you're feeling that I'm attacking YOU!
The only reason you destroyed Joan's book is because it showed you for what you truely are, and you couldn't stand the fact that if someone were to read it, you would be exposed for that. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Why don't you two try to do something constructive with your lives instead of trying to destroy your own sister? Your actions put you in the same category as the nice folks who burned the books in Germany back around World War 2. Ah! But you're proud of that, because it's posted on one of your blogs!
For cying out loud, stop with the "ME! ME! ME!" attitudes. The book wasn't written about you, but about the issues concerning adoption. And anyone reading your blog or your comments here will understand all the wonderful issues adoption can entail a little better. The sooner you realize you're only giving credance to Joan's arguements, the better off you'll be. Keep it up, you two. You're only proving that Joan has reasons for feeling the way she does.
By the way, it was Joan's ex who went through the money by spending it on a scheme which didn't work, and which she had no part of. You want the money back? I suggest you talk to him!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Response to Ignorance and Stupidity

Ok. I admit I didn’t use spell check. And no, I never claimed to be perfect. But, if I may quote you, you state, “most people, when they present themselves in a written matter who like to show that they are NOT ignorant… But Champ wants us to believe that he is far more stupider than Joan.” Trudie, Trudie, Trudie! You’re so angry you’ve become incoherent! The first part of the quote is incomplete, making no point whatsoever. But then again, you’ve written an entire blog that reflects that style, haven’t you? And “more stupider” is just plain wrong. It should have been either “More stupid” or “stupider”. I may not have used spell check, but you could most assuredly benefit from a remedial English class.
It’s amusing also that you still believe that I’m Joan. In that, as in most of the pathetic claptrap you call a blog, you’re dead wrong. But, as you continue to wallow in your ignorance, and continue to deny that there are real issues, you, in your megalomania, don’t see that you’re helping to illustrate the exact points that Joan is making! She actually couldn’t ask for a better, real life example of exactly what kind of havoc adoption can wreak on EVERYONE involved. The fact of the matter is that Joan has sought, and is still receiving assistance with her issues. You don’t even acknowledge you have you own issues, let alone have made any attempt whatsoever to resolve them. The fact is, you and your sisters are in denial.
Your refusal to meet with me comes as no surprise. It simply shows you for the bullies and cowards you are! I hope you’re proud of yourselves. I’m sure no one else is!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Well, believe it or not, my invitation to meet was not acknowedged in any way. This is an admission on the part of the sisters that they KNOW BEYOND A DOUBT that I am NOT Joan Wheeler, and they're too egotistical to admit it, too cowardly to meet with me, and/or too ignorant to engage in any form of rational communication. If they can't spew hate, they can't imagine what other form of communication, ( such as a civil discussion ), might be available to them.

Let me explain that the loss of a parent leaves it's mark on children, and they have to find, or be given, a way in which to effectively deal with their loss. Of the four sisters and one brother, Joan is the only one who has sought that assistance. The brother is deceased, but the sisters have had unresolved issues, and not one of the three who are persecuting Joan has sought that help. Their loss is still a festering wound, and it has turned into an emotional cancer. All they are able to do at this point is to spew the poison out at a seemingly defenseless target.

Joan has offered to discuss the issues involved with being adopted with members of both her families. Not one of them has shown any interest in the way she feels or the affect adoption has had on her. They persecute her from their total callousness and ignorance, with the attitude that since THEY'RE not adopted, it's not important. With them, it's all "ME, ME, ME, and the hell with how anyone else, ESPECIALLY our own sister, feels."

They also claim Joan doesn't work. Isn't being a published author legitimate work? Yet they destroy the work Joan does produce. They also write their boring, vapid, whining blogs falsely defaming her, then criticize her for being disabled and not holding a "REAL job." And these are the kind of people you want to follow? These are the kind of people with whom you would be associated, or on whom you would rely for factual information? Just reflect on the fact that you're known by the compay you keep. And remember that if you actually can get through the trash the sisters are writing without getting bored to death or throwing up, there are two sides to every story. I suggest you take a look at Joan's side before you make up you mind. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

An Open Offer

OK. Here's the deal, "ladies". I'm NOT JOAN WHEELER! On the ongoing little temper tantrums you actually have the audacity to call blogs, you state you need proof that I'm not her, and suggest I put my driver's license or something like that all over the internet. Well, I'll consider doing that after I see yours! But, I do have an alternate suggestion. If you need proof that I'm who I say I am, I'll be willing to meet you in person. I'll even bring Joan if you need me to do that. You may bring one another, or, for that matter, anyone you wish to bring. Should you decide to accept this offer, you may respond by leaving a comment here. This will be the only communication between us. If I prove I'm not Joan, I'll expect an appology to both her and myself ON YOUR BLOGS. Should you NOT accept the offer to meet, I'll expect you to acknowledge that fact on your "blogs", and admit you were wrong. In any event, either way, you have the opportunity to demonstrate that "Sippel family honor", or lack thereof, you seem so keen on defending.
One other thing I should clear up. I in no way attacked or cast judgement on either Wicca or Theodism. I merely asked the question of whether the hateful, spiteful behavior of you two was typical of the members of these two religions in general. As in any belief system, I'm sure there are good people who are capable presenting their beliefs in a positive way. Then there are a few who are not so good, and cast an unfavorable light on their systems values. I was not questioning the two belief systems. I was merely wondering how the two of you represent the values of your respective systems.
I won't be visiting your tirades, (oops. Sorry. I guess you would prefer me to call them "blogs".) That won't be happening. If I want to be bored, I'll find a way to be bored minus the hate.
I don't know whether to say I'm looking forward to a response, or would prefer you to not respond, which would be an admission that you are DEAD WRONG about my identity, and show you for the bullies and cowards you truely are.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Hi Gertie and Ruthie! Thanks for showing how fixated on Joan you are. Something about trampling civil liberties showed up in a new posting. The only ones who are doing any civil liberties trampling are you two. Actually, the only ones who are reading your latest conglomeration of hateful, mindless drivel are you two! Hope you're enjoying yourselves. You may as well, because nobody else is even remotely interested in hearing any more paranoid whining and complaining from you.
I can get the traffic source for visits to my blog. I'm sure you can do the same. Check yours, as I just paid a visit to your latest rant concerning your latest last attack of paranoia. No, I didn't bother reading it. I'm not interested in adding any more lunacy to my existance, but I just wanted to give you a point of reference to confirm for you that I'm not Joan.

The only reason for this blog is to try to get you to mind your own business. If 3 healthy healthy, mentally stable individuals insist on ganging up on one disaled person with the sole purpose of destroying her, that's nothing other than bullying. It shows that evil and baseness are alive and well, and their names are Gertrude and Ruth. Even your Liverpudlian sister seems to have lost interest to some extent in your diabolic claptrap. If, on the other hand, your malice is the product of mental illness, ( which, after 30 years, I strongly suspect is the case), then you should get the help you so desperately need. If you're not in need of help, you're giving the impression you're the type of people who enjoy kicking puppies, freightening small children, and pulling the wings off flies. How is that helping to regain "family honor?" One other point you might want to consider. I happen to know that one of you is Wiccan, and the other Theodist. I have no problem with either belief system. If that's what you believe in, that's fine with me. But how are you portraying the values of your belief systems? Are there not enough prejudices concerning Wicca without you giving the impression that this attitude is what people can expect? And as for Theodism, probably not 1 person in  100 knows anything about that. Is your constant bullying portraying Theodist principles in a favorable light? If your answer is yes, it's understandable why that belief system doesn't seem to have sparked the public interest.
    I can tell you that I don't hate you, nor does Joan. All that's wanted by either of us is to have you out of her life. Hate has way of aging a person and eating away at them. It will eventually turn back on the person doing the hating, and affect them as much, or more, that it affects the object of that hate. Are you capable of  letting go, or are hateful behavior and bullying the only languages you understand?               

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Little More Insight

I just thought I'd throw in a little bit about what kind of people are attacking Joan. Please take note of the refined language used in the comments beneath the pictures. Certainly this is how a refined, cultured "lady" would communicate.
Please note as well the behavior exhibited here. It's not only childish, but shows a great deal of immaturity on the part of "adults", does it not? How could anyone who is mentally stable consider taking pride in this type of behavior? Can this be taken for anything other than the the behavior of some form of mental disturbance?
First up – Covers of Forbidden Family on Ruth’s living room floor.
Next are covers and several copies of the hideous book.
the short little thing front center is a guillotined book – oh so appropriate for this book!
Next are two pictures of Gert having fun ripping up a book and placing them in an appropriate box.
Now we have Gert placing a cover in an even more appropriate receptacle – the litter box of Pippin, Ruth’s cat.
and now – for the best picture of this collection: a cover of Joan Wheeler’s shitty book Forbidden Family alongside some shit in the litter box. Shit belongs with shit!

I'll give credit where credit is due. The above pictures, along with the commentaries, were take directly from a blog called Refuting a Book of Lies: Forbidden Family. 
I could have just as easily called this blog Refuting a Blog of Lies: Refuting a Book of Lies. 
If you're having trouble getting to sleep at night, or addicted to pointless whining, complaining, foul language, or if you feel the need to pick up some pointers on unladylike behavior, I guarantee you'll find that, along with a healthy dose of jealousy, pure malice, and hate on that blog. If that doesn't interest you, then you shouldn't waste your time there. The whole premise of the blog is the imaginary belief that something was stolen from the writer's family. The ONLY thing that was stolen was by the writer herself, and that was the concept that, judging by her behavior and that of her sisters, there was any honor to steal in the first place. 
Joan, in her book, made every effort to conceal identities, places, times, and anything else that might have identified individuals. Had she not done that, her sisters would have been complaining about THAT! As it stands, it was the sisters themselves who revealed their own identities, and now they're complaining that they can be identified. Well, who's to blame NOW? And why do they think that anyone reading the book would be interested in identifying them in the first place? This is a clear case of egomania and paranoia. It is my sincere hope that these poor, disturbed individuals at some point seek the help they so obviously need. I also know they want me out of their affairs, and I want to BE out of their affairs. In fact, as soon as they stop their persecution of Joan and remove any blogs concerning Joan or her book, I'll be happy to remove this blog and stay out of their affairs.
By the way, Gertie, thanks for being my #1 fan. Keep visiting here, and I might even monitize it!  

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Well, "birth sibling", you did it! Thank you. You managed to close comments on the Adoptive Families Circle thread. Yes, it was YOU who did that, not me. Who brought the ugliness there in the first place? It was your comment about Joan. I merely responded. Thank you so much for doing my job for me! You've shown the nice folks there what a monster of a human being you really are! And guess what! I'll be looking for any postings by you or your sisters ANYWHERE which mention Joan in any way, and I'll be there to counter whatever you say. Especially when it comes to anything concerning adoption or the people involved with that. You can expect the same treatment everywhere you post that you got there. You three are so good at dishing it out. Let's see how well you can take it! When you keep your noses out of Joan's business, I'll keep my nose out of yours. I really pity you three. It seems that all you're capable of doing is destruction. I'm sure your mother would be totally saddened and ashamed of the way you're treating your own sister, and would be on Joan's side if she were to come back and see what you three are trying to do. And, as for your father's heart attack, that's on YOU three for getting him involved in matters in which he didn't need to be involved at all.
Oh. By the way, if you paid any attention to language use or writing style, you would realize that I'm not Joan. Saget ihr, bitte, wann Joan studiert und lehrt deutsch? Ich bin nicht Joan. Quando estudiaba ella Espanol? No me llama Joan. Nil me Joan a choir a bith! There you go. Four languages other than English stating I'm not Joan. I would have used 5, but I'm afraid I don't speak Klingon! Leave Joan alone, and I'll leave you alone. Get out of her life, and I assure you I'll stay out of yours. Stop interfering with her, and I'll do the same for you. Until that happens, I'm afraid the channels of communication between us will remain open.     

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Defending Joan Wheeler

My name isn’t important, as this blog isn’t about me. No, I’m NOT Joan, nor did Joan put me up to writing this blog. I would like, however, to introduce you to her.
Joan Wheeler is a good friend of mine who is a social worker, author, and adoption reform activist. An adoptee herself, Joan has written a book entitled Forbidden Family- A Half Orphans Account Of Her Adoption, Reunion and Social Activism. This book was written to tell her story as she experienced it in order to bring to light the potential issues surrounding the way adoption is handled in the U.S. today. It is in no way aimed at self-agrandisement, nor is it meant as an attack on any individual or family.
Joan’s natural family consisted of a father who was widowed 3 months after her birth, three sisters and a brother. Having four children already, her father was advised to give her up for adoption, as no other family member stepped forward to offer help in maintaining the integrity of the whole family. Thus, Joan grew up as an only child in her adoptive family, not realizing she had four natural siblings. At the age of 18, however, that changed. She received a telephone call from one of her sisters. Joan’s book goes on from there.
The purpose of this blog is not primarily to recommend Joan’s book, although it is most assuredly worth reading, nor is it to promote adoption reform, although I agree that changes are much needed. What I’m trying to accomplish is to counteract the viscous, vindictive blogs of Joan’s three natural sisters. They have maliciously and spitefully had Joan’s book pulled from publication due to their egocentric and totally erroneous belief that the book was written about them. One of Joan’s sisters, Katherine Inglis, is the author of “Chayelet’s Blog.” Of the three sisters, Katherine is the least viscous. She confines her blog mainly to defending herself from imagined attacks from Joan. Nowhere do these fabricated attacks take place. She does, however, make a number of statements in her blog which are, at least in part, patently false, leading one to believe that Joan “uses” people. Having known Joan for some time, I’ve never felt that I’ve been used. In fact, Joan has never been anything but generous to me either in speech or action. I can only speak for myself, but having known her for some time, I dismiss that accusation completely.  Kathy will, however, from time to time, post comments on her other sisters blogs.
Another of Joan’s sisters is an entirely different kind of person. Ruth Sippel Pace has written two blogs. These are nothing more than vindictive, hateful attacks on Joan with no purpose other than to cause as much damage to Joan’s reputation as possible. The whining and complaining by Ruthie is repetitive, threatening, boring, foul-mouthed, bullying, and disgusting. Ruthie seems to think the world revolves around her, and she’s more than willing to assert that Joan’s book was meant as a personal attack against Joan’s natural family. The amazing thing is that Ruthie has enough time left after her postings to do anything else with her life. The number and lengths of her postings is mind-boggling, and only to be equaled by the sheer malice and vindictiveness of the content. One of Ruthie’s stated objectives is to take back her family’s honor. If she’s an example of her family’s honor, she’s more than welcome to it. Who wants “honor” that’s tainted with such hatred in the first place? Another stated objective is to honor her mother and other members of her family. I can’t help but feel, though, that her mother would be weeping tears of embarrassment and asking herself how her family members could have produced such a hateful human being. Far from taking the family honor back, Ruthie is throwing it on the dung heap. As these two blogs have been out there for years, one can only judge Ruthie’s mental stability for themselves. Personally, I pity her, and would hope that at some point, she would realize that something might not be quite right with her and seek the psychological therapy she needs. No mentally stable individual carries such hate, let alone acts on it, for as long a time as she has.     
Now onto Ruthie’s “yes man”, Gertrude McQueen. Gertrude believes she somehow owns Joan's life. She has managed to put together a hateful tirade in the form of a blog called "

Reclaiming the Sippel-Herr Family Honor

She seems to think that Joan "stold" the honor of those families. After reading that for only a few minutes, I wonder exactly what Gert's definition of the word "honor" might be. Honor has to do with the higher values, honesty, and the way in which one person treats another. If Gert thinks she's doing anything but dragging her precious "honor" through the mud, she's sadly mistaken. In her blog, she shows herself to be nothing other than a gloating, hate filled, bombastic, egomaniacal bully. Yes, through threat and intimidation, and misrepresentations, she and her sisters did manage to get Joan's publisher to discontinue publication of Joan's book. This shows that she and her other two sisters are incapable of reasoned arguement, and had no legitimate arguement to begin with.

 Having achieved their goal of restricting Joan's right to free speech, they aren't content. They continue to twist facts, threaten and harass anyone and everyone who has the audacity to call Joan a friend, and have even gone so far as trying to have world renowned professionals removed from their positions of employment simply for agreeing with Joan's positions regarding adoption reform. They have also, as busybodies and bullies will, attempted to discredit Joan in every aspect of the field in which she has earned her degrees. Whether one agrees with the objectives of adoption reform or not, it is only just to allow each person to be able to express their opinion and work productively to achieve their goals, yet at one time or another, members of this "Gang of Three" have gone to organizations which included Joan in their membership and have tried to have her removed. In some cases, again through lies, threats, and the sheer annoyance of trying to deal with the irrational behavior of these three, they have succeeded. And the reason for this? They didn't like it when Joan told the truth about herself and presented the truthful facts concerning how she was treated by both her natural and adoptive families. This is, from their point of view, undesireable. Unfortunately for them, through the vehicle of their blogs, they show the world how true the facts presented in Joan's book really are.

More to come. Please stay tuned! I know that as soon as this hits the net, I'll be attacked by at least one of these siblings. I'll then be more than happy to post their objections. I have no doubt that anyone having the audacity to stand up for the rights of one person to simply tell her story the way she has experienced it will be contacted by these "ladies". Rather than feeling threatened, I would invite anyone so contacted to post any communication to this site. Comments from Joan's sisters, however, will not be posted. They may respond in any way they wish on their own malignant blogs. If anyone wishes to find out what hate and absence of a purpose in life consists of, I would suggest you visit the blogs of one of the three afore mentioned sisters. It should be an valuable education about what to avoid if one is in any way charitable!